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Into the void

The woman smiles lovingly and reaches out to you. When you fall into her massive hands, the world stops moving. She pulls you close to her, into the strange light. As you pass through the wall, you feel like your soul is being ripped out of you.


The thing on the other side of the wall of light is NOT a large woman. It is a... you don't know, but it's a glowing mass of orbs all smushed together. There are tentacles and eyes, but at this point, that seems to be negligible.


"I am Yog-Sothoth," it announces, low and whispering. "I see everything. I know everything." You don't know why, but you feel like this thing is smiling at you. "Be not afraid, Summoner. You have yet to truly know what fear is."


As you are not sure if you've peed your pants, you have no idea how to not be afraid of this Yog-Sothoth thing...


"Perhaps you should know us better," it says. "Read something in the science fiction or horror genres. Perhaps you will know what it is to be afraid."


While not hard, a reading prompt is the last thing on your mind right now.


Yog-Sothoth sways and many of the orbs come closer to you, as if inspecting you. "Answer me this, Summoner. In the book 'IRON WIDOW', what is the iconic phrase Zeitian shouts to the recording drones on live feeds?"

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