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Somewhere below the Grand Hotel...

"Well, since this will be your first contract, I guess we'll go the long way," he says, motioning for you to follow. "Do you know how this all works?"

You nod, remembering all the research you've done about this moment. The details of why and how this all works is complicated in the details, but the concept of what you need to do is simple. You, as the summoner, enters a summoning circle. This is usually done with a group since it takes a lot of energy to power the summoning circle. One by one, each participant will step forward and speak a name into the bonfire at the center... and then you get a demon. They offer you terms of their contract of service, and you will ask something of them in return. Most summoners and demons have a good relationship. You've heard some demons stay with their summoners as friends long after their "terms of service" are up.

BUT before the contract can be completed, you must prove your worth and dedication to your demon. This is a two-way street after all. Employer and employee must mutually like each other. Thus, your demon will require a "sacrifice" of time: more reading. You thought it would be two weeks, but now you're questioning whether or not that's the case. You also thought the summoning would be outdoors, not inside a greenhouse guarded by a Bone Flower!

The man you've been following through the winding rows of plants guides you to an old wood door with a beautiful bronze lock in the shape of a sun and moon. He opens the door easily and leads you through. Your demon taps you on the shoulder and smiles sadly at you.

"I cannot follow you down there," they say. "You will summon me, surely, and I will see you on the other side." They wave goodbye and fade away into thin air. There's no use in trying to call them back now. You follow the man through the door and hope to see your demon soon.

Image by freestocks
No. 1

Tell us about your demon and what you wish for!

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As you walk on, you notice that the ground is sloping downward, and that the room is narrowing like a tunnel. The greenhouse plants give way to crusty dirt and roots and a string of yellowish lights that make it easy to see. The tunnel is paved, but the pavement is old and cracked, like it's been there for a century or more. This definitely was not what you were expecting. How are they going to build a huge bonfire all the way down here??

When you get to the end of the tunnel, you see a large gathering of other summoners and demons. There is a circle on the ground with cables and wires jammed into the ground, connecting the drawn, chalk circle to some sort of electricity. You wonder who modern this kind of circle is, and maybe that's why you've never seen anything quite like it in your research. Still, there are other runes and scripts drawn perfectly around the room and inside the circle, along with a low-but-wide bonfire in the center.

There are a LOT more people than you expected. That's really kind of exciting!!

The man pushes you toward the circle. "Well, we're kind of overloaded with newbies this year," he said. "And we've decided to try something new. Whenever you're ready, go ahead and enter the circle and stand there." He's pointing at a girl who is in the middle of talking with her newly summoned demon. She looks wide-eyed and happy. "Then, say the name and you talk to your demon. They'll know what to do."

The goblin on your shoulder jumps off and into the man's arms. She waves her little paw at you and snuggles into the man's shirt like a cat. You wave goodbye and thank the man for helping you.


You let out a long breath, then, quietly, you speak a name.

The bonfire nearly snuffs out, only embers and the barest flames remaining. Nothing happens for the longest time. You remember this. Apparently, demons all like to make a dramatic entrance. A soft crackling comes from within the pile of embers. You watch closely as some of the logs shift, revealing a head nuzzling its way out of the embers.

Eventually, it crawls out of the fire to stand before you, and the flames rise back up to their massive height.

"Mortal," the demon says, smiling at you. "You wish to make a contract?"

You nod. Your demon requires the sacrifice of time to prove your dedication, and you came prepared!

The demon tilts their head and looks around. "Since we're at the Grand Hotel, why don't we have a little fun? I should make an appearance at the parties. They are all my friends, and I'm sure they would be more than happy to vet you." They step onto the cool earth and point to the invitation in your hand. "I think you'll find your first party on there. Let's go and see what exactly my nekomata friend desires of you."

You take a look at your invitation again, finding a beautiful scrawl on the back:


Kikyo Room

Passcode: Red

Make your way to the Party Rooms

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