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The Disappearing Library

You've decided to pick up the books the Disappearing Library has thrown at you. You tell the Library Demon that you're busy, but if Alfie really needs you then you'll be here. With a frustrated sigh, the Library Demon flies off. You open up the book at the bottom of the stack and flip to the title page. It reads Elements of Darkness and the Cruelty of Light.


How "light" can be cruel, you don't know, but the Library threw it at you for a reason. There must be something in here that can help you.


After half an hour of skimming, you come across a passage that seems to fit what you're looking for:


Fear is a natural part of a human's existence, as it is a demon's. Some demons thrive off fear. It feeds the growing darkness. Winter has always been the time for fear, as has the night. What better way to feed a demon of darkness than to share such delicious terror.


Challenge #4:

Share a creepy story, whether it be yours or someone else's



This is good, but not quite enough to help you fight off Noct. You know what feeds him, sure, but what can defeat such a powerful, horrible demon?


More than an hour passes since you first started reading, and you've finally come across the section that deals with the so-called "cruelty of light".


Though darkness is older than the light, it is a powerful force. As opposites often are, the darkness and light are eternal foes. The emotions felt in darkness, such as fear, have been traditionally associated with the dark, though the false-equivalence has led to many misunderstandings of such emotions. Yet, the metaphors are perhaps apt. Even the deepest fears can be abated. Just as darkness is chased away by light, fear is chased away by c--


The page is torn. You keep reading the rest of the passage, but the word doesn't seem to be repeated anywhere else in the section. You scowl at the book. This is why you don't destroy books. Either someone was reckless and stupid, or someone purposefully tore out the section in order to keep this a secret.


Either way, you have to figure out what this word is. Traditionally, the opposite of Fear is Courage, which would work well... but this is an old book. Maybe there is another word that fits? What else could chase away fear?


You remember the stories you read about Noct. Care and kindness made him a friend rather than a foe. The traveler who brought Noct comfort was rewarded while the one who feared starvation was killed.



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