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Survive the wilderness

The smoke spirit nods and points towards the trees. They bend out of the way, opening a dark path for you to take.


You walk and walk, and you are getting tired. The hike through the snow is draining on you. Everything is cold and you're getting wet, and your body aches. Still, you must press on. You have to find what Noct demands as sacrifice. Even if you aren't making a contract with him, he must let you go, right?


A warm breeze brushes against your face and it is a welcome relief. You push forward, following the heat. Maybe there's a fire nearby?


You come across a stone circle with a fire in the center. You quickly stumble towards it, soaking up the blissful warmth.


That's when you notice that the fire has eyes


You jump back and stare at the flames. They aren't human eyes. They're more like the vague shapes of eyes made of fire. Still, it looks at you and then opens its mouth. "You've passed the first test," it says. Its voice is thin and caked, like something was stuck in its throat (or... whatever... it might not have a throat...) "Here is your first task."


The fire turns over one of the stones, revealing an engraving that reads:


Read a book with a dark-colored cover


You take notes.


The fire burns hotter as it yawns. "Answer me this, mortal," it says. "In the Grand Hotel, there was a quote in the hedge maze. Tell me, what words are missing?"


Above the fire, the smoke swirls into words that read:


"There is a fine line between _____ and _____"


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