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Something isn't right

The path to the summoning is well-traveled, and you're surprised to see a few others as you all make your way to the summoning site. The cold snow bites into your skin as you make the hike deep into the woods, but you don't mind. You've survived worse in order to get to a book or a library before, and you're sure that you'll be warmed by fires soon enough. You've read that the summoning site is quite a thing to behold: ten or fifteen-foot bonfire that burns for nearly a month, a magical lodge that houses all the summoners and demons, and, of course, the eerie magic that permeates the clearing. There might be a two hundred people all waiting for their turn to make a contract! So many friends to make. You smile. This is almost like a convention for summoners if you think about it. You can't imagine what it was like to walk through these woods before technology made travel easier and information was more readily available. Summoners have been doing the same thing for hundreds of years, if not thousands. Who knows how long this place has been used for this purpose? Certainly longer than any human can remember. Even though the summoning will be a little later, you decided to come to the summoning site early to help out. You want to join the Society of Summoners one day, and this might be a good opportunity to meet some of the senior members!


But something isn't right. The sun should still be up at this hour, but it's pitch black. Even with your other companions, the forest seems too quiet, too alone. There's not an animal in earshot. Even the crunch of snow beneath your feet seems unnaturally muffled. Then, something starts to scratch at the back of your head. It almost feels as if you're being watched by something in the darkness. You stop and lift your light up to get a better look. Your lantern is one of the best you could afford, but it isn't enough to illuminate what's out there. The dark feels solid, as if you could touch it and grab a fistful to take with you. The wind kicks up snow into your face, and you decide it's best to move on. You can wonder about it later when you're warm and at the summoning site. It can't be too far now...


You find the circle of trees, but instead of a roaring bonfire, there is only dying embers and smoke so thick that you begin to cough. Near where the bonfire should be, there are groups of others with lanterns and flashlights. They're all huddled together, freezing and talking amongst themselves. Everyone seems nervous. A few are trying to relight the bonfire, but nothing seems to be taking. You do not have a good feeling about this.


With a bracing breath, you head toward a group who seem to be flipping through books. Maybe they're trying to figure out how to start? Maybe something just went a little awry. You don't know if you can help, but you can certainly try.


Something tugs at the bottom of your jeans and you scream, which is immediately followed by a tiny shriek behind you. You look down and find a little furry goblin who looks as if its been crying. You kneel down. "Hey there buddy." The little demon starts squeaking frantically and tears roll down its face again."Sorry, I can't understand you--"


The goblin takes your hand and lightly scratches a symbol into your palm with its tiny claw. Suddenly, you can understand the high-pitched squeaks. "And then everyone was taken by these big shadowy hands! And I don't know where they all went! He took my Alfie! And all the other summoners! He took all my friends!" The goblin hiccups and throws itself into your arms. "I don't know what to do! I don't know where they all went!"


A crowd has gathered around, and you try to explain what you think has happened. Obviously, something is wrong. Whoever "Alfie" is must be the goblin's contract, which stands to reason why there were no senior summoners on your arrival. You pick up the goblin and hug it tightly. Poor thing is really heartbroken.


Nothing can be done about the missing summoners right then, and it's getting colder and colder. The group that was trying to start the bonfire has gotten a spark to take. Someone starts to try and organize the summoners. You all made it here on your own, so you all have enough knowledge to start the summoning process. Maybe, once you all have contracts or at least some demons summoned, you can try to find the missing people. You ask the goblin to help, and reluctantly it agrees.


Soon, the runes and symbols are drawn (a little wonky as no one seems to have fully practiced the precise lines needed for the summoning ritual) and the bonfire is burning hot. The goblin also shows you all how to summon the lodge, which everyone piles into for warmth. The bonfire hasn't quite chased away the night air yet, but as soon as you're all warm (possibly fed too), you'll start the summonings. You grab a thick blanket and curl up with the goblin, who seems to have taken a liking to you. Its no longer crying, but it still looks incredibly sad.


The doors to the lodge shut loudly.


Everyone turns. Standing at the entrance is a tall woman in a dark suit and long overcoat. Her long white hair is strictly curled in a strange, perfectly unbalanced way that matches her aura. There is not a flake of snow on her, but she looks as if she's made of ice and snow. She pulls off her fine leather gloves, revealing long, sharp claws. Her flesh is pale with gray and green undertones, like ice over a deep lake. His eyes don't have any pupils: just a blank canvas of chalky white. She is beautiful and brittle and utterly terrifying.


"Good evening,"  she greets with a sneer. "I'm glad you could make it."


The goblin at your side shrieks. "You!" it says. "You took my Alfie!"


The woman bares her teeth, showing off long fangs that look as if they could easily break bones. "Stupid goblin," she says, "I am one of many who stole away your pathetic humans."


One of the other summoners steps forward. "Who are you?"


She clicks her tongue. "My name does not matter," she says, glaring. "I am here on behalf of my master, Noct."


You recognize the name Noct as one of the scarier demons you came across in your time researching. Noct is a demonic entity that comes out during the winter equinox. Part trickster, part vengeance, Noct stalked the dark hours of Darkest Night looking for stray travelers. The story you read portrayed him asking a stranger for the comfort of a fire and to share a meager amount of food and drink. Upon being turned away because of his odd appearance, Noct touched the fire, turned into a flame of vengeance, and burned the traveler alive (then, of course, devoured the food and drink). Noct was a demon easily offended and scorned, but he could be placated. Strangers who shared their fires and their feasts were left gifts in the morning, and sometimes gained Noct's favor.


Even if Noct wasn't here at the summoning, his involvement spelled bad news for everyone.


"What does Noct want?" the summoner asks.


"Your tributes," she says, bored. "All of them. You are here to make sacrifices. Well, now you get to sacrifice to him."


"But why?"


She raises an ice-covered brow. "Are you really going to ask me that, little summoner? I could rip you all to shreds just because I felt like it." She walks over to you and snaps her fingers. A pillar of ice shoots up from the floor and pushes the goblin up off the ground. "You," she says to the goblin, "fetch the ledger. You know where it is."


The goblin cries out and slides off the ice, disappearing into thin air. She looks you up and down critically before making her way out of the lodge. "You will all summon your demons," she says. "Sign the ledger, then Enter the Circle."


The door slams shut behind her, rattling the windows and breaking the pillar of ice next to you.


No one moves, and you all look at each other. What are you going to do? The senior summoners are missing, and the strange ice demon is demanding your tributes go to Noct... but you're still going to summon your demons? Are you going to attempt a contract anyway?


Until you know more, you suppose you only have one option: obey.




First, sign the ledger

You must sign the ledger on or before Feb 14th.

On the 14th, the reading shall commence.

You may want to decide if you'd like to attempt HARD MODE for the giveaway.

Who knows? Perhaps even the King of Winter himself will contract with you



When you're ready, Enter the Circle



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