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King of Winter

You have been pacing the room for hours. Or maybe it just seems like hours. Time doesn't mean much anymore with there's so much uncertainty and fear. All you can think about is what Noct wants. He wants tribute and sacrifice... but with no reward? That's not how demons operate. There is a contract. There is an exchange. Each side has a price and a want, and there is a value to both. Some demons demand more sacrifice than others, and some summoners wish for very little in exchange. What does Noct want? What does he need?


You stretch out your legs and wrap up warmly. Surely, you should be able to find Noct in his own realm. He is the darkness, isn't he? Or is that just a hyperbolic element to his legend? Either way, you have to brave the wilderness and try to find what it is that he wants. Maybe, if you do this right, you might find out a little bit more...


"NOCT!" you shout as you walk headlong into the woods. Maybe it's stupid, but he's interested in all the summoners he's corralled together for himself. "NOCT! I KNOW YOU'RE OUT HERE SOMEWHERE!"


"So loud," a deep voice says behind you. You spin around, finding the demon towering over you. He's got to be at least seven feet tall, and he's much more frightening up close. His really are embers, as if he's burning up inside. He smells of fire and smoke, and some of the ash on his jacket flutters down on you. "What do you want, little summoner?"


You swallow. "What if I made a contract with you?" you ask, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you know what you're saying. This is stupid. This is utter madness--


He throws his head back and laughs, sparks of embers flying out of his mouth. "A contract? With me?" He clutches his sides. "Little summoner, you're a fool if you think I would be satisfied with one person's sacrifices. I am not some common demon. I demand only the best for my contracts."


"What if I prove I am the best?" you ask. "Will you let everyone go?"


He raises a grey brow at you. "You are serious?" he says, more a confirmation than a question. You nod. "Well, well, at least there's one among you who has some guts." He smirks. "Fine, I haven't been this amused in a while. I will contract with you, but know that I am unable to leave my kingdom except on the Winter Solstice. I will not be your friend, nor your companion." He leans in your face. "I will grant your desire, and you will continue to pay tribute to me until our contract expires. I will not contract with you for more than a year."


You think about this. Noct is only asking for reading as tribute, but you must prove your worth. This will be hard. You have two weeks to read as many pages as you can, as well as fulfill the prompts and challenges set before you.


"What if I fail?" you ask.


"I'm sure you are not the only one who will attempt such a preposterous gamble," he says. "Your sacrifice will still belong to me. If all of you fail, you will remain my prisoners forever." He puts out an ink-slicked hand. "Do we have a deal?"


Is this a gamble you wish to take?



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