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Enter the Circle

Everyone has signed the ledger that Alfie's goblin has brought from somewhere. Some of you have decided to try to contact Noct and figure out if there's a way out of this. Even if he can't come to the human realm, perhaps you can still talk to him? Likely, he won't be easily pleased, but it's worth a try...


When you've all written your names down, you file out of the lodge and to the bonfire where the ice demon is waiting. She looks uncomfortable, standing outside of the summoning circle and as far back from the bonfire as she can manage.


"Line up," she barks as she points to the circle. "On the marks."


You all do as instructed. Alfie's goblin follows you closely to your heels. When you step on the circle, you can feel a little tingle in your body. You are all empowering the circle, each person donating a little energy to feed the massive need to summon. You wonder if the senior summoners had been there if you'd be able to feel it at all since there would have been so many people there with you.


The ice demon grabs the little goblin at her feet, holding it up by the scruff. "You seem to like this human," she says, then pushes you into the circle. "You go first. Do you even know what to do?"


You ignore the demon. You've been preparing years for this moment. Of course, you know what to do! In a loud, clear voice, you speak a name into the fire. If all went right, then your demon should appear out of the bonfire. Or something. The details were kind of vague the last time you read anything about the summoning rituals...


The huge bonfire suddenly goes out, leaving nothing but the embers that there were before. Everyone is silent, and you wonder if you've failed. Just as you take a step forward, the burning wood begins to crackle and move. Your demon climbs out of the embers, sending glowing sparks tumbling off of the mound. They pull themselves out of the fire and stretch. Just as your demon starts to walk toward you, they are encased in a block of impenetrable ice.


You turn to the ice demon, who looks bored and annoyed. She flicks her hand to the side and sends your demon flying out of the circle. The ice block lands next to a tree, far from the bonfire. She gives you a cocky smirk. "Well? You're finished," she said. "Now you're free to go find what Noct needs from you."


Next to your demon, a green and black glowing swirl forms between two trees. The ice demon makings a shoo-ing motion at the portal. "Go on, then. My master is waiting for you in his forest. Oh, and be careful," she said, smiling with too many teeth in her mouth. "Wouldn't want you to be devoured before you could finish your sacrifices."




You have several paths to take. Which will you attempt first?



Search the Wilderness for prompts.

Be careful! Monsters lurk in the shadows.

Should you fail, you start over from the beginning.

You must brave the wilderness to announce for TBR before Feb 14th.



Help make contact with the other side.

The returning summoners may be able to help you with finding Noct's prompts.

They've done this a few times before.



Find your challenges.

Search the Summoner's Lodge for clues on how to defeat Noct.




Or, perhaps you'd like to go straight to the King of Winter himself and see if you can assuage his hunger and ego.

He might even join your (eventual) horde of demons. You never know...


Image by Mark Tegethoff
Search the Wilderness for Prompts
Image by Banter Snaps

Challenge Mode

with the other side

Image by Jez Timms

Questions? Answers!

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