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Survive the wilderness

The fire laughs and burns hotter than before. "Remember this as you deal with Noct. Sorrow and Anger are close cousins. Sometimes, even immortal beings confuse one for the other."


The trees creak and moan, and you watch them bend out of the way to provide a path. You stay by the fire a little longer, no desire to leave the warmth, but eventually, the fire dies down and snuffs out altogether. You sigh and pick up your lantern. You were going to have to brave the cold again at some point...


The path is short this time, and you are overwhelmed by an amazing smell. It smells like hot pies and stew, and there are sweet, warm spices that you know will taste like winter. You start to drool despite yourself and your stomach growls. When was the last time you ate? You can't remember, and you have no idea how long you've been in this forest.


When you come upon the clearing, there are candles in all the trees, lighting up the table that is filled with all the food you could ever desire. It looks like someone was trying to feed fifty people! You eye some of your favorites at one end of the table and stride right up to it...

Only, you realize that it's all cold. Every slice of meat, every bowl of stew, every cup of hot cocoa or cider. It smells like it's fresh, but when you pick up a bun it's rock hard and icy.


A piece of paper falls from the trees and smacks you in the face. You open the note to find that it says, "Read a book set in winter or the snow."


You sigh and pocket the note. You guess that's your next clue to how to placate Noct.

Then, the food begins to move.


You drop the bun and watch in amazement as the food starts to form a picture. It's simple, but it's definitely an owl.


Under the owl, there is a question: "Who is this Senior Summoner?"

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