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How the Readathon Works: FAQ


Below is all of the information that you might need in order to complete Demonathon.


All prompts, challenges, and helper demons will be added after they are found

(around Feb 14th)

Demonathon The Old Gods


  • Though the website opened on Feb 1st, the reading will not begin until Feb 14th. Reading done before then will not count. The last day of the reading period is Feb 28th. You may turn in your final counts through March 1st.​​


  • SIGN THE LEDGER. Sign-ups will be accepted through Feb 14th. This will determine your team. THIS IS ALSO HOW YOU SIGN UP FOR HARD-MODE FOR THE GIVEAWAY (See extra rules below).


  • During the first two weeks, you will be allowed to SEARCH THE VOID to obtain your reading prompts. There are SIX PROMPTS total and ONE GROUP READ.

    • You may elect to do as many or as few prompts as you wish to attempt.

    • You may use as many or as few books to cover the prompts (ie. books can count for multiple prompts)

    • You may use books you are reading for other readathons, so long as they fit the prompts.

    • Each book completed is worth 10 points. If you did not complete the book, you will not earn these points, but you will still earn the number of pages you read.

    • If the book was written by a Black author, you gain an extra 5 points regardless if you finished the book or not.

    • Each page read counts as 1 point. If you did not finish the book, the pages read still count!

    • All the points earned will be tallied for the TOTAL TEAM POINTS.

    • Prompts include:

      • Re-read a favorite​

      • Read the next in a series

      • Read scifi or horror

      • Read an Award-winning book (any award counts)

      • Read a book by a Black Author

      • Read something with a bright/colorful cover

    • Announce your TBR when you are ready. Though your TBR is able to change on a whim, please announce your TBR by Feb 14th. Don't forget to @demonathon and #DemonathonDarkestNight


  • During the first two weeks, you will also be allowed to SEARCH THE DISAPPEARING LIBRARY for challenges 3-5. The first two challenges are to announce your TBR and share your demon on social media/youtube.​

    • Every 3 days a new part of the Library will open up and a poll will be taken. YOUR POLLING RESULTS WILL CHANGE WHICH CHALLENGES EVERYONE RECEIVES.

    • Challenges are worth 5 points each​

    • All challenges are optional (but highly encouraged!)

    • Challenges include:

      • Post your TBR (even if it is only tentative)

      • Share your Demon

      • Share a FEAR that you have​

      • Share something that inspires you

      • Create a COSMIC HORROR creature and tell us about it

    • Challenges can be shared via social media and youtube. Don't forget to @demonathon and #Demonathon so we can share!


  • Don't forget to add your page totals and points in the TEAM SPREADSHEETS.​

    • The spreadsheet will be made available on Feb 15th (once the sign-ups are closed and I can list everyone in their teams). Look for announcements!

    • Make sure you only work on YOUR line in YOUR team.​

    • If you are summoning a NEW demon (or summoning for the first time), the points matter! There is a secret number of points needed to complete your contract (it's not hard, I promise!)

    • Points can be tallied up through March 1st. If you did not finish a book, PLEASE PUT HOW MANY PAGES YOU READ. You will earn your team more points!

    • On March 2nd, the winning team will be announced and the ENDING to Demonathon will be opened. Please check your emails for the link to the ending! THE TEAM WHO WINS THE MOST POINTS WILL DETERMINE THE ENDING!


  • Use the Helper Demons if you need to!

    • Helper Demons are optional, but highly encouraged. They are here to help you complete the readathon with as little stress as possible​

    • Helper demons can be found inside the Void as you venture.

    • Helper demons include:

      • Shoggoth: read a book that doesn't fit the prompt​

      • Yog-sothoth: Read 1/2 of a book, and he will read the other half for you (all points count)

      • Nyarlathotep: DNF a book and retain projected points (you do not need to find another book to replace it)

      • Cthulhu: Destroy your entire TBR & retain projected points (you are ineligible for the giveaway). This should be used if you feel the need to give up but still want to complete the readathon and your contract :)

    • You may use all of the helper demons ONCE throughout the readathon. (This changes if you attempt Hard Mode.)

    • You do not need to announce the helper demon until the END of the readathon.




Very few rules change when entering Hard Mode, but there are the changes:


  • You must complete ALL reading prompts and ALL challenges.

  • You may NOT use a book for more than one challenge (ie. six prompts means six different books)

  • You MAY add more books to your TBR at any time. Each book is worth 10 extra points. NO EXTRA PAGES COUNT.

  • There are two winners: One Returning and one Newbie. The winners will receive a book of their choice delivered via Amazon. Please have your wishlists updated and your addresses correct!

Regarding the Void:


The Void is a multiple-choice maze and scavenger hunt.


Every answer can be found without guessing. You may need to revisit old Demonathon websites, watch Yumi's videos, or talk to other summoners to answer them, but nothing is here to trick you.


However, if you don't want to search, there's always blunt-force. The only punishment for getting an answer wrong is having to start over from the beginning.

You may attempt as many times as you wish until you are done.


The Void will always be open, but it's best that you brave them sooner rather than later.

You must announce your TBR by Feb 14th.

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