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Into the void

The voice in the void chuckles, but says nothing more. The ground beneath you starts to glow in a white light, and it spreads out in a long, winding path before you. You tap it with your foot. It seems solid enough...


With nothing more to do, you walk along the path, following the light. Your feet start to hurt after a while, and you have no idea how much time has passed. The light seems to go on and on forever, and it doesn't even seem like you're making progress. You keep going, but slowly you begin to wonder if this is worth it at all. Who are these creatures to play with you like this, anyway? Why does this matter so much?


Defeated, you sit down on the lighted path and let your feet rest. You even sigh and lie down, looking up at the endless vastness of space. If it wasn't so terrifying, it would be absolutely gorgeous.


Then, something glosses over your vision like an oily print on glass. It's you, reading in your favorite spot with a drink in one hand and a book in the other. You try to blink it away, but nothing happens. The vision is still there. No matter where you look in the sky, the vision remains right in the center of your sight. Another vision of you reading the same book layers on top of it. And another. And another. And suddenly you realize that all the visions are creating words int he cracks where they overlap:




Well, that was pretty clear in the most unclear way possible...


You sit up and try to clear the visions from your head. You blink a lot, shake your head, meditate, but nothing seems to work. You can still see the path, but you're not sure if you should continue.


"Don't stooooop," a voice whispers from below you. You look down and see a greenish-black blob with eyes that seem to form and then melt back into its body. You put a hand to your mouth, trying your best not to puke. "DON'T STOOOOOOP!"


You get up and walk down the path, trying to get away from the thing as fast as possible. Even if it hadn't said to go, you probably would have anyway. It's strange that it told you to keep going, though. What was it trying to do?


There's a strange squelching noise that seems close by. You look behind you, and your blood runs cold. The amorphous blob is behind you crawling (rolling? scraping?) to follow. You turn away and break into a run. It lets out a shrill whine and the squelching speeds up.




You skid to a stop, though you're not sure why. Maybe it's the fear, maybe it's some otherworldly force, but you can't help it. Slowly, you turn around and find a person standing behind you. They're kind of formless at first -- more the suggestion of a human than a real one -- but soon the fresh shapes itself into something else. As clothes appear and facial features, you come to the realization that the thing is you.


"I am a shoggoth," it says in your voice. "I am here to help."


You don't know what to say. You have no idea what a shoggoth is, but it seems anything but friendly.


But that's when you realize that your vision is cleared. You wonder if the shoggoth helped with that particular thing.


It looks at you more closely, inspecting your details and shifting itself accordingly. "I will give you a prompt if you answer correctly," it says. "We have been watching your little demon summoning for a long time, and we have been amused by your gatherings."



"Which one of these has NOT been a Demonathon adventure?"


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