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Dumont Community Library

You push the doors and find them to be much heavier than you expected. You ground yourself, feeling the doors slowly swinging open and creaking from old age. There are a few others already inside, but no one is talking. While perhaps it's because this is a library, everyone is feverishly looking for books and reading intently. The atmosphere is tense, much tenser than you had anticipated.


A small demon dressed in oversized robes and gold, round, wire-rimmed glasses on a string flies up to you. Their big eyes and little wings make them look a little bug-like, but in that adorable way that makes you want to squeeze something and lavish love.


"Ah! Good! You've found the library!" they say in a high-pitched, almost child-like voice. They take your hand by the forefinger and shake it. "Nice to meet you! Oh gosh, I'm just really excited to see so many new faces here!"


The readers are glaring at the little demon, but you are rather charmed.


"I know, it's a bit strange to have a library in the middle of a forest, but you must understand that this is a special library. It moves. A lot. Sometimes we lose track of it, but it always comes back eventually!" They giggle. "You seem like you really want to prove to your demon that you're a worthy contract! Well, you've come to the right place!"


The little demon pulls your finger to drag you forward. "Look at all these books! Aren't they lovely? You can smell those old books just itching to be opened up again!"


You admit that the library smells amazing: dust and parchment and something faintly like burning. You are overcome with an intense feeling of nostalgia for all those years spent researching. Even the oldest library you entered never smelled quite like this.


The demon stops you at an empty table, complete with loose sheets of paper for notes, a chipped mug full of pens and highlighters, and a lantern that seems to be lit by tiny balls of floating fire. The chair looks soft and cozy, broken in by many others who have come before you.


As you admire the workspace, the demon flits off to find you a book. "You can stay as long as you like!" they call, yanking a book from a nearby slot. They manage to fly it over to you without any struggle. "I think this book is calling you."


You recognize the title and the cover immediately! It's a book that you've been wanting for a really long time! For one reason or another, it's never come into your possession. Your heart leaps and you can't help but smile.


The demon giggles. "Aw, love at first sight! You know," they say, tapping their chin. "I know you're going to be here a while. I mean, if you're here you must be serious about proving yourself to your demon, right?" The demon strokes the edges of the book in your hands. "How about I make this extra special? I might be able to persuade the library to part with one book. Just one. Can't have everyone here taking a book permanently from the library! We'd be out of books!"


Well, of course, you'd love to have this book! And having it come from the Disappearing Library? That would be the best way to celebrate your bargain!


"Well, if you get top marks, I'll give it to you," the demon says with a wink. "You're in for a lot of competition!"


It's true. There are quite a few others here with you, all trying to appease their own demons and meet the requirements. But you're determined and prepared!!


Each book read = 10 points


Each page = 1 point


Each challenge completed = 5 points


You may use only ONE ASSISTANT DEMON. Choose wisely.


You may NOT combine books to complete the challenges. Each challenge must have a separate book read.



*For an optional, personal challenge, take the quiz and only use the demon you get.

This will not count towards your score.

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