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the graveyard

Well, you've come this far. You might as well finish what you set out to do!


You follow Sarah and Mat to some graves that are near a gnarled tree. Several of the graves are overgrown with sprawling ivy or some kind as well as moss. It won't be so easy to pull off all the foliage, but you do your best.


While you work the graves, Mat knocks on a large headstone a few feet away. After a moment, two ghosts rise up out of the ground as if waking up from a bed. The woman rubs her eyes and the man yawns with a stretch. When they realize who it is, they both jump to their feet and embrace Sarah.


"We were so worried!" the father says. "We saw the funeral, but you took so long to find us!"


"I couldn't see your names!"


"What? Oh no," the mother says, watching you break the vines and pull them off in bits. "Oh, thank you, sweetie. We appreciate it so much."


You say it's no problem and keep clearing off the headstones. You listen to them chat about their family, how it's been so long since anyone has visited them. Sarah tells them all about her life after they passed, and how she succeeded in her dream to become an actress. She tells them all about her new family -- an adopted daughter and a wife -- whom she misses dearly.


You finally get the last of the moss off (what you could, anyway), and something strikes you as odd. These graves are old. The stone has been eaten away bit by bit, and there is so much greenery that has taken over the graveyard.


After they all thank you, you shyly ask if you had read the gravestone right. Sarah's stone had said 2022, but that couldn't possibly be right.


Sarah shook her head. "It's correct. I died in 2022."


"How is your grave so old, then?" you ask.


Sarah looks at you strangely. "It's 2204," she says. "Of course the graves are old."


You stare, slack-jawed. That can't be... can it? You've seen and studied a lot of odd things in your time searching for demons, but... time travel seems a little out of reach for you.


Still, you've done what you promised, and Sarah is reunited with her family. You wish them well and make your way back to the Library doors. As you do, you feel a presence behind you, like someone is following. You turn around and see no one, but you swear you see something duck behind a gravestone. You shake it off and run toward the doors. You'd very much like to get back to the Disappearing Library and fix the problems there. In your own time. In 2022. You have things to accomplish.




Challenge 5:

Share a goal you have for 2023!

This concludes your search.
You now have all 5 challenges at your disposal

Have you visited the disappearing Library yet for your prompts?

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