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The Cabins

Gremory full body_edited.png

Snow begins to float down, only to be replaced by pellets of hail. You and the others quickly run into the cabin. You haven't met up with your friends before you're all forced inside, which is a shame and you hope they'll be okay. Still, you go indoors and get warmed by one of the many fires there.​


You look around the room, finding a plethora of human and demon faces. Nothing out of the ordinary, you suppose, or at least nothing that stands out of place. You try to push the whispers of "Leraie" and "Gremory" out of your head, but they had scared you just enough to be on edge. You take a seat in one of the well-worn chairs and take in deep breaths. It's nothing, you think, it's just a couple of demons being creepy for their own amusement.


A little goblin tugs at your pants leg and holds up its arms like a child asking to be held. You smile down at it and pick it up to put in your lap. The furry goblin giggles in delight and curls up on your lap like a cat to nap. You have to admit, it's kind of nice having the equivalent of a fuzzy hot water bottle purring on your lap after all that cold.


"See?" a voice says in front of you. "Even Alfie's little goblins like this one."


You look up and find a handsome (beautiful?) demon sitting on top of the mantle. Their hair is short and they have glasses, and for the most part they look like a tall, slender human. The only thing that gives them away is the large, leathery wings behind them, and the inhuman orange color to their eyes. There might be small horns on their head, too.

Leraie full body_edited.png

"Alfie's goblins like everyone," you hear above you. You look up and find another demon leaning forward on the back of your chair and peering down at you. Much like the one on the mantle, they seem to be a human man but with curved horns and long fangs. This one smiles at you. "Don't tremble, Pretty. We won't bite unless you ask us to."


The one on the mantle chuckles. "What he means to say is that you have nothing to fear."


The demon above you raises a brow and clicks his tongue. "Perhaps from you." He looks down at you again. "Gremory's domain is less... violent than mine."


You swallow and clear your throat. You ask what they need from you.


"That is a good question," Gremory (the mantle demon) says, and gets down off the fireplace. They kneel before you and take your hand. Alfie's goblin hisses and scratches at Gremory's hand. The demon growls at the goblin, and while it backs down a little, the goblin's fur is still on end and it looks to be in a defensive stance. Gremory looks at you and smiles, and you swear their face shifts a little to something more innocent, and their voice changes into something that sounds glistening and wispy. You recognize it as a kind of persuasion demons use sometimes with prey. "We need your help with the library."


"What's wrong with the library?" you ask.


"It's broken," the other demon says. He sits on your armrest and Alfie's goblin barks at him, too. "Oh, hush. Your master will find out something is wrong soon enough if he doesn't know already."


Gremory rolls their eyes. "Leraie isn't wrong in his assessment, but it lacks nuance. The library's sections are disjointed. Floating. It seems when it moved here something went wrong. The Library Demon is fussing about it, and your Summoning Society has not been paying attention."


"Yes," Leraie (the demon sitting on your chair) says, miffed. "As the Library is quite important, we have been charged to fix it. This is the top priority."


"How can I help?" you ask.


Leraie smiles down at you with too many sharp teeth. "Contract with me," he says. "I have a mind to use your energy to restore it."


Gremory glares at Leraie. "Or with me," they say. "I think my methods would suit you much more than theirs."


You ask why you've been approached when there are hundreds of other summoners here. Anyone could contract with them. In fact, you're sure someone will try that very night.


Gremory says gently, "We... like you. You have a particular ethic about you that we like."


Leraie nods. "It's a curse having the same taste in humans, and I'm not one to back down from a challenge."


Gremory takes your hand again. "I'd be honored if you were to choose me. My talents lie in truth and riches. I am able to speak on the past, present, and future, as well as find hidden or lost items." They wink at you. "I am particularly good at... coercion if that is needed."


Leraie scoffed. "They're a flirt, don't let them fool you." He crossed his arms. "I can protect you against your enemies and teach you to defend yourself. I can help you reach any goal and destroy any who would get in your path." He twirls his fingers and an arrow appears. "I'm also fond of the bow and arrow. I could teach you." He gives you a smile that seems more suggestive than his words. You blush.


Gremory sighs. "My sections of the library include Romance, Science Fiction, Astronomy, and Travel if that sways you in any way."


Leraie glares. "I have domain over Horror, History, the Occult, and Self-Help."


Gremory glares up at Leraie. "Well I have a camel--"


You clear your throat. "I think I know enough, thank you," you say and take your hand back. You look between them. Both demons seem to be on the verge of violence, though you're not sure if it's to hurt each other or devour you. You smile nervously. "I should... sign the ledger first."


Both demons deflate. Leraie straightens himself. "Yes, right, the ledger is important. I suppose you had a demon in mind to summon and contract?"


You nod. You've been planning this for a while now. It would be a shame to let your planning go to waste, especially since you have a wish you want fulfilled.


Gremory pats your hand. "We would never stop you from working with multiple of us. You may summon your demon and contract with them, but will you consider also working with one of us?"


Leraie nodded. "We will share your sacrifices with your chosen demon. No extra devotion is needed."


Gremory smiles, mischief in their eyes. "In fact, I will even give you options for your sacrifices, should you not wish to read so much this year." They reach into their shirt pocket and pull out a set of bookmarks. "You may decide to create a tribute instead of read. We all adore books, but some of us also appreciate the arts and imagination." They put the bookmarks in your hand. "Use these in their place."


Leraie rolls his eyes. "How generous."


You thank them and put the bookmarks in your back pocket. You're not sure if you'll use them, but they're good to have.


Leraie stands up and crosses his arms. "Should you wish to see the library and our sections before you sign the ledger, you are welcome to do so. We will guide you to our rooms and show you around." He smirks. "Perhaps, you might even get to know us better before you decide."


Gremory also stands. "Or you may find you like one of us already, and so can declare before looking. We don't mind."

You're unsure what you'd like to do, but you have one burning question in mind. "What if I'd like to contract with both of you?"


The two demons blanch, then look at each other. It doesn't seem hateful, but they're rather hesitant to answer. Gremory rolls their eyes and Leraie sighs, both clearly unhappy.


"You may," Leraie says, "but in order to do so, you will have to complete every task we ask of you. No exceptions."


Gremory bats Leraie with the back of their hand. "Each of our sections shall have a task, but you may still use the bookmarks I gave you to substitute a book for a creative project. You need not read and create if you do not wish." Leraie waves it off, but Gremory leans down to whisper in your ear. "Come to the Romance section first. There is a secret room you may access." They hand you a tarot card: THE LOVERS.


You thank them and say that you'll consider their offer. They bow to you and turn into soft clouds of vapor, disappearing into the air.



So, Summoner, what will you do?



You have many rooms to visit over the course of the readathon.

Where will you begin?


Sign the ledger

You must sign the ledger on or before January 1st.

On January 1st, the actual readathon begins.


Visit the Reading Nook

Do you wish to engage in HARD MODE for the giveaway?

Visit Gremory and Leraie in the reading nook to let them know.


Find Your Prompts

The Disappearing Library seems to be in shambles.

You must use your tarot cards (passwords) to find your way through!

Navigate the rooms to find your reading prompts! Keep a notebook handy!


Vote for Your Challenges!

There is a poll every 3 days to determine your last 3 challenges!

Go to the Graveyard to cast your vote!


Summon Your Demon!
Renewing a contract? Or perhaps you are summoning a NEW demon?

Make your way to the Summoning Circle


Find Your Friends... Or Make New Ones!

Join our Discord server! Meet others who are trying to fulfill their contracts!

(You may also share your challenges on Discord!)


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