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the graveyard

You step outside of the library, but find that you are no longer in the dark forest and the clearing with the summoning circle. Instead, there is a large stretch of land and a hilltop covered in tombstones. In the distance is a stone, round mausoleum. Everything is covered in a light dusting of snow, just enough that it crunches beneath your feet. The grass has not died; in fact, it's some of the lushest green grass you've ever seen.


You look back at the Library door, and it's still there. You pop your head inside. Nothing has changed, nothing has moved. You quietly tell the Library to stay there and you'll be back soon.


You decide to wander the graveyard a bit. It's warmer here than the summoning circle, but cold enough you can see your breath. You pull your scarf closer and make your way through the first row of stones. There are mushrooms growing on the backs of some of the headstones. Except there's one that is entirely covered in moss. It stands out among the others. The rest seem to have had some degree of care over the years, but this one has been neglected.


You go up to it and start to pull the dense moss away. As you pull it back, you begin to see a name. The carved letters are worn and damaged, but you think you can just make out the name.


What is the name you think you see?

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