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the disappearing library

you open the massive doors to the disappearing Library and find...


well, it's certainly not books.


Where once were rows and rows of shelves with study tables and lamps is now a swirling void of mist dotted with stars. In the distance, floating far above your head, are doors. Some are open, some closed, and you can barely make out a little demon flitting between the doors in a panic. It's the Library Demon, judging by their wings and over-large gold glasses.


there is a singular door within your reach, which appears to be a reading nook. The door is open, and you can see that both Gremory and Leraie are inside, speaking to each other. They look worried.


"Oh, hello! You're here!" a small voice says. You look back up to the other doors and find the Library demon zooming right at you. They stop just short, panting out of breath. "How can I help? Do you need to get to a section?" They sigh, eyes shut. "I'm sorry. I just need a moment. I have to fly you up to the section of the Library you want to go to. I hope you're not afraid of heights."


You give the Library Demon a moment to catch their breath.


where would you like to go?


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