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the graveyard

You walk in circles around Sarah's grave. It's reasonable to think that her family might be nearby, so you figure it would be best to start with her neighbors and go from there. You search through each grave, carefully picking off moss and grime just enough to see the graves. Sarah accompanies you, walking alongside you like a normal person, only her feet don't leave imprints and they don't crunch the snow.


The two of you get talking and you find that you have a lot in common! She was an avid reader and she's so disappointed that she won't be able to read some of her favorite authors anymore. She had so many books she was looking forward to that are being released next year. You haven't heard of some of the titles, but you don't find it odd. There are so many books released each year it's impossible to read them all! Some of her TBR books are also on your list, and you've mentally added a few other ones that she mentioned.


Before you know it, you've reached the mausoleum all the way in the back. When you step into the stone building, you immediately notice how warm it is. Without the wind blowing, it's downright cozy in here! However, much like the rest of the graveyard, the mausoleum has fallen into disrepair. Some of the nameplates have come off, and some have moss or mushrooms growing on them.


You pick up one of the nameplates and look at it. Sarah doesn't recognize the names, but it's a good start. You apologize to the names and then use it to scrape off the other graves. Sarah apologizes for all the work and tries to distract you while you get through all the mess. She tells you all about her final year alive, and how the best thing that happened was her big role as Carmen in a local opera production.



Challenge #4:

Tell us your favorite thing that happened in 2022​



You keep going, and soon you've scraped down all the graves and nameplates in the building. You've worked up quite a sweat! Still, none of them seem to be what you're looking for.


Then, a face peers around the corner. It's a man. "Sarah?" he asks.


Sarah's face lights up and she runs straight into the man's arms. "Mat!" she cries, squeezing him tight. "Where were you? I couldn't find you!"


"I woke up from all the noise," he says, sticking his thumb at you. "All that scraping? I'm surprised no one else woke up."


"Oh, we heard you," a voice says from somewhere else. "Just go away!"


Sarah ignores whomever it was. "Where are you buried?"


"By Mom and Dad. Not too far." He takes her hand and smiles. "Come, I'll show you."


Sarah turns to you. "Would you mind still coming with us?" she asks. "I'd like their graves to get cleaned."


Do you leave Sarah to go back to the Library?

Or do you follow them to clean off the graves?


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